Exhibitor name |
Nippon Vision engineering
Booth NO. | 5-131 |
Address |
〒224-0054 神奈川県 横浜市都筑区佐江戸町272-2 272-2,Saedo-cho,Tuduki-ku,Yokohama-si,Kanagawa,224-0054 |
Website | http://www.visioneng.jp |
Phone number | +8145-935-1117 |
PR message | 弊社は非接触の検査装置として英国で約70年の実績があります。他社には無い独自の技術により進化してきました。特に「マンティス」シリーズは実体顕微鏡でありながら立体映像での非接触作業が可能です。昨今ではウィルス対策の必須な現場作業において非常に有効な検査装置を揃えております。また長時間の検査作業においても疲労軽減が可能であり作業効率につながるエルゴノミクスデザインを取り入れています。ぜひブースにて体感ください。 |
The Main Item |
The name of Item[1] | Mantis elite |
Details[1] | It is a non-contact 3D stereomicroscope. By selecting the built-in camera type as an option, you can capture and measure the distance on your computer. |
The name of Item[2] | Mantis compact |
Details[2] | Compared to Mantis Elite, this is a model with a maximum magnification of 8 times & the camera built-in option is not selectable, but the price is suppressed. |
The name of Item[3] | Lynxevo |
Details[3] | It is a high-end model of Mantis. Standard magnification 6 to 60 times, maximum magnification 240 times. You can secure a wide field of view, magnification, and working distance. There is a wide selection of options. |
The name of Item[4] | EVOCAMII |
Details[4] |
It is a digital microscope that emphasizes ease of handling and has high definition and measurement functions by selecting options. The operation can be done with the controller at hand. The screen is also simple. Anyone can understand and operate it easily. There are a wide variety of lenses to choose from, such as an ultra-wide-angle lens with a focal length of 250 mm and a lens that can be rotated to observe the work. |
The name of Item[5] | Camβ |
Details[5] |
It is a handy type digital magnifying glass. With a distance measurement function between two points. The main body can store up to 20,000 images. You can also check it by displaying it on the monitor in real time with HDMI. Only for close-up photography, it is possible to shoot small parts without being affected by the shadow of the main body. Up to 20x with digital zoom. |
The name of Item[6] | Swift pro |
Details[6] |
Hijō ni shinpuruna gamen to sōsa no gazō sunpō sokuteikidesu. Sokutei han'i wa 100 m× 200 mm, jitsuzō de no sokutei mo dejitaru de no jidō ninshiki sokutei mo dochira mo kanōdesu. Jōi kishu de 400 mm× 300 mm no sokutei ga kanōna taipu mogozaimasu. さらに表示 103 / 5,000 翻訳結果 It is an image dimension measuring machine with a very simple screen and operation. The measurement range is 100m x 200mm, and both real image measurement and digital automatic recognition measurement are possible. There is also a high-end model that can measure 400 mm x 300 mm. |
Category of Exhibit Items |
A. MOLDS, MOLD MATERIALS Molds Mold Components Formed Products D. CUTTING TOOLS Cemented Carbide Tools Cemented Carbide Tips Diamond Tools E. MACHINE TOOLS, POLISHING WHESTONES Deburring Tools K. PRECISION MEASURING, OPTICAL MEASURING MACHINES & INSTRUMENTS Measuring Machines and Instruments 3D Coordinate Measuring Machines & Instruments Automatic Precision Measuring Machines & Instruments Projectors Metallurgical Microscopes Others N. PARTS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Plastic Processing Precision Processing Tooling, Steel Materials Measuring Machine O. GROUPS AND LABORATORY University, Laboratory |